Plan a Business in 7 Easy Steps
Building a successful business isn’t easy and it requires a strong end game. Planning your business requires a ‘Top Down’ approach in order for it to reach the goals you set out to achieve as a business owner. That means you make the decision about where you want the business to go and in what time frame and your team around you takes from that their objectives to make it happen. If done well, defining your workforce’s objectives will link to your business goals.
What you need to know about the new NDIS Worker Screening Requirements
What you need to know about the new NDIS Worker Screening Requirements
HSQF and the Human Rights Act 2019 (QLD)
A guide to implementing Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019 as per the updated HSQF User Guide.
Do you need Easy English policies and procedures? (infographic)
Do you need Easy English policies and procedures or infographics?
Your Partner in Quality
Welcome to my new website and blog! Thank you for visiting. This blog post is to tell you a little bit more about me, Clarisa Rahmat, and how I can help your NDIS, aged care, or community services organisation.